Friday, June 29, 2012

{this moment}

{this moment} inspired by soulemama - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

So, with our departure time set for 9am Thursday morning, we have spent the last few days soaking in every moment of our time here in the north.

(1. Raspberries in the garden.  (2. Helping Dziadzi in the garden.  (3. Sprinkling dirt, everywhere.  
(4. Watching Dziadzi mow.  (5. Following Ying  (6. Enjoying summer's produce, as food . . .  (7. . . and drink.     (8. Waiting for the storm to break.  (9.  Working on the tapestry.  (10.  Newly painted toes on a back drop of summer sky.  (11. Inspecting seaweed. (12. Look! Up in the air!  ( 13.  feeling the earth.  ( 14. Kisses from Dziadzi.  (15. Our watchful dinner companion.

Monday, June 25, 2012

A Start is Made

Over the weekend I was able to reveal the project that I have been hinting at here!

I have been reading about the way people used to get together and share the work that had to be done. Things like barn raisings and quilting bees brought people together, and the work that resulted had the imprint of each pair of hands. I wanted to start a project like that, but I wanted something that wouldn't be intimidating to a generation (or two, or three) who haven't necessarily spent their time honing hand craft skills. I settled on a family/community tapestry. Embroidery is easy to explain, and one's involvement only extends to the end of one's thread. I gathered the supplies; a cotton blanket for the base, the thread, the hoops and needles, I added some vaguely tree shaped Sharpy marks as guides, and then I just waited until what felt like the right time to introduce the idea. Except for one important person, Grandma;

who lent her hand to the task earlier in the week, no one knew of the project until after our family bar-b-que dinner on Sunday.

I was so nervous! I had visions of everyone declining; it's intimidating to be asked to do something you may have never done before! I could just see everyone saying "no thank you", and I would be left there with my giant Sharpy tree blanket.

I told everybody that I had a project that I needed their help with. I explained that I wanted to make a family tapestry, and I needed everyone do do some sewing!

I was so(!) pleased, surprised, and flattered when everyone, EVERYONE! agreed to participate. And I was amazed: the least experienced were the most eager to get started!

I had threaded the needles ahead of time, and decided that we would just start on the trunk and branches of the tree (nice straightish lines). I told the story of the flying fish who swims backward to give those who needed it a little lesson in back stitch, and they were off!

Hover your cursor to see who is under the blanket!

We have a looong way to go, but I was anticipating that this project would take us years. Benjamin really wanted to be part of the project, and I am glad that, probably, someday he will be.

I am a amazed and pleased by how these few lines of stitching mean so much to me!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Start of a Season

A feast fit for the fairies on the solstice!


Have a happy new season!

Country Mice

Bread rising in the sun room,

diapers hanging on the line,

snakes in the grass,

scraped knees,


Enjoying being country mice!

Monday, June 18, 2012


I have been mulling over this yet to be revealed project for a while. I was thinking from the beginning that a tree would be a good motif, but than I thought that was too corny and I was at a loss. It's funny how inspiration comes at just the right moment though! So with inspirations like this:

Black And White Oak Tree
From the Free-Extras Website.           
and this,

Thus says the Lord God:
I, too, will take from the crest of the cedar,
from its topmost branches tear off a tender shoot,
and plant it on a high and lofty mountain;
on the mountain heights of Israel I will plant it.
It shall put forth branches and bear fruit,
and become a majestic cedar.
Birds of every kind shall dwell beneath it,
every winged thing in the shade of its boughs.
And all the trees of the field shall know
that I, the Lord,
bring low the high tree,
lift high the lowly tree,
wither up the green tree,
and make the withered tree bloom.
As I, the Lord, have spoken, so will I do.
--Ez 17:22-24

I decided to proceed with the tree motif anyway!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Traveling North. . .

I am so sorry to have been away from this space. I have missed being here. We were packing and driving up north to visit family! I tend to pack a lot when traveling. I think I like to have a bit of home with me wherever I go. I had to be careful this time though, because I have two travelers joining me for the ride home. I had a great six bag (Reusable grocery bags! Not suite cases!) system in order to limit what I brought, and make repacking on the way home easier. My system turned into an eight bag system, but it seemed to work well. Each bag has its own category of items that go in it; Clothes, Diapers, Technology (computer, camera, phone cord, etc), Food (for the car trip), Toys and Bedding, and of course, Projects. I can never proceed to packing practical things, like toothbrush, and shoes (both of which ended up in the in the other two "misc" bags), until I have packed the projects that I will be working on while away.

We headed out early in the morning in order to meet up with my brother who happened to be attending a wedding taking place along our route. We took several breaks along the way because it is really hard to be strapped in a car seat all day long.

B got to meet a lot of new folks, again.

And once we got to Babci and Dziadzi's house, B got to play with some of Daddy's old toys.

I am so pleased to be settling in here in "North". The trees are green, the woods are cool, the bar-b-que is out and the company is in love with B.